File lead: Lisa Stern
Owner: Homestead Land Holdings
Applicant: Fotenn, Ghada Zaki
Stage/History: Active Zoning By-law amendment request; held a public consultation on 14 December 2021, and now awaiting applicant submission after hearing public concerns
Link: Application Details – Development Applications Search (
Application: The site is located on the south side of Weeping WIllow Lane, between Varley Drive and Teron Road. The site is currently developed with an eight-storey rental apartment building containing 85 units. On the southern part of the site is a creek that forms part of the Kizell Drain and a heavily wooded area.
The proposed development would consist of a 10-storey residential-use building facing Varley Drive containing 142 residential units, with the 10th storey consisting of indoor and outdoor amenity space and mechanical services. 199 vehicle parking spaces are provided via a combination of surface and underground parking, accessed from Weeping Willow Lane via a drive aisle shared with the existing residential building.
Public consultation found issues around the placement of the building, its orientation, and the potential of future development of the lot.