Road Resurfacing

May 15, 2024


Our team has received notification that, as part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing work will take place in/near our community. Work will involve milling/pulverizing of the existing surface and roadway resurfacing. This work is being done as preventative maintenance aimed at extending the City’s roadway network lifecycle.

The following roadway work will take place during the day and evening, as required, and will involve minor lane interruptions:

  • Klondike Road, from the Beachburg rail corridor to March Valley Road
  • Loggers Way from Mississippi Drive to north dead end
  • March Valley Road, from Klondike Road to the Beachburg rail corridor
  • Rideau Valley Drive (OR 13), from Bankfield Road (OR 8) to Prince of Wales Drive (OR 73)
  • Robertson Road (OR 36), from 320 metres east of Eagleson Road (OR 49) to 220 metres west of Mill Hill Road

Weekend work is anticipated, and traffic interruptions may also be experienced due to flagging operations.

Work is expected to start in May and completion is anticipated by fall 2024.